March 8, 2023

The toilet pipe broke, what can I do?

Experiencing plumbing mishaps in our Florida homes is more common than you might think. In fact, at Claim Pacific, we can attest to the frequency with which we are contacted to file claims for damage caused by a broken toilet pipe. While it is likely that […]
March 8, 2023

Reasons to file an insurance claim in Florida

We are often asked: How do I make an insurance claim in Florida? Especially when you live in a state like Florida, having a homeowner’s insurance policy is practically indispensable. However, you should know that having insurance in Florida is not the only thing you should […]
March 8, 2023

What can a public adjuster do in Miami?

Nowadays, public adjusters in Miami are professionals who have become indispensable for all people who have insured homes. This response to the fact that dealing with insurance companies in Miami is a complex process that requires understanding how these companies operate. What is a public adjuster’s […]
January 31, 2023

How to make an insurance claim in Miami

On several occasions, you will probably need to claim with your Miami homeowners insurance company for some damage to your property or for preventive reasons. You are probably wondering how to fill a claim with your insurance company. Therefore at Claim Pacific, we have the definitive […]
January 31, 2023

How do I file a claim if my house has mold?

Mold in Florida is a type of fungus frequently found in homes because it appears as a result of the presence of moisture. Although it is common, its effects on the health of our families are significant. Therefore, if you have mold on your property in […]
January 31, 2023

There is mold in my house, can I make an insurance claim?

Many last-minute problems could affect your home. However, the most complicated to solve are those caused by water since they are usually costly and take time to repair. If mold is involved, the insurance claim could become complex, but it is still possible to conduct. Here, […]